Sunday, July 08, 2012

Grip Tape on Penny again.

I regripped my Penny again just because I wanted to do something cool to post with the #pennygrip hashtag on instagram.  By the way, I am holdsfast on there If anyone wants to follow me or @holdsfast me to show me some cool pics.
So I made some stencils, and a little spray paint later, here it is.  I like it.


  1. Is this the Penny grip or a different brand? Been looking to grip my Penny, but can't find the Penny grip anywhere. Love the design though, looks really good with the wheels.

  2. This is not Penny Grip. It is Jessup. Having the Penny Grip simplifies things quite a bit, not having to trim it or even take off the trucks, but if you can find it you can get a regular sheet of grip tape on there too. Just takes a little more time. Thank You.

  3. A few more random questions. Do Penny trucks fit Stereo Vinyls without redrilling? Also, have you tried spray painting a Penny or Stereo? Lastly, how well does spray pain stay on griptape? I got a new Stereo coming in and am going to do it up like my Mini Cooper haha.

    1. Yes, the Penny and Stereo trucks are drilled the same.
      No, I have not painted the decks, just the grip tape.
      The paint will wear and get lighter, but you can still see it.
      Thats a cool Idea, I like the mini coopers, you'll have to instagram or twitter a pic of them together so I can check it out.
