Saturday, August 04, 2012

Penny Vs. Stereo Vinyl Cruiser Comments

The comments act funny when there are over 200.  On the original Penny Vs. Stereo Vinyl Cruiser page ( ) we have been over 200 for a while and I have been deleting 5-10 a week just to be able to see the new ones.

For more discussion please check out 

Please Comment here if you want to comment on that page so I don't have to delete as many peoples posts over there.

Sorry this is a boring post, Im waiting on a buddy who picked me up a new board so as soon as it gets to me I promise a more interesting post (:



  1. my stereo tends to go to the right side whenever i give it a slight push. any idea how to make it go straight ?

    1. Thanks for using the new page. First loosen the kingpin, the big bolt between the wheels, then move the bushings around and make sure they are seated correctly. Then tighten it back up and you should be okay. This will most likely fix the issue. I used to worry about this too, but it wont effect how the board rides with you on it, even if you dont fix it.

  2. Hi. I am new to the cruising. I have been looking into both the Penny and Stereo. The Penny is looking better because it is better stock quality as opposed to the Stereo where some things need to be changed out. I like the Stereo Vinyl because it is made by real skaters but at the same time i dont have the time and funds to invest in changing some things out. I also dislike the Penny because they are used everywhere and are not made by real skaters. Again, I am a beginner and I just want to cruise around campus. Any help would be awesome. Thank You :)

  3. I understand your concerns and go back and forth too. You are probably doing more to support skateboarding if you get either board from a local skateshop than by supporting one skateboard company over another because they are more "real." The components of the Penny are noticeably better, so if I could only ride one board without upgrades I would ride the Penny. That said, you're going to be the one riding it, get what will make you look at it and be happy and ride more.

  4. I found your blog while researching these boards. I'm coming back to skateboarding after, well, decades off. As popular as these things are, you seem to be the only one trying to tune the set-ups on them. I can't believe there aren't forums all over the internet for mini cruisers. Especially plastic ones! Apparently, everyone who cares about them just meets here! Keep up the good work.

    1. Welcome back man, have lots of fun and Thank You.

  5. Hi!
    I just got a Stereo Vinyl off amazon, I've been lovin it! one problem though is that I noticed it doesn't carve as well as my friend's Globe Bantam. I've tried loosening the trucks a lil but it only helped to a small extent. Besides changing out the trucks, can you recommend what else I could do? And if I really have to, any recommendations that isnt too expensive? Ima girl abt 45kg, if it affects what trucks.
    Thanks a bunch! your replies are all really helpful!

  6. You are pretty light for the stock bushings, the first thing I would try is putting some soft bushings in the stock trucks. You can get 2 sets of Khiro oranges or whites and swap them with the stock bushings. They should make a pretty big difference and will not cost much.
    You are welcome, Thank You.

  7. Heyo! This is 800ohms, from instagram.
    I've been skating/longboarding for 10 years but I'm new to the plastic cruiser scene. I just got a stereo myself and have had trouble switching in new bushings - they just won't fit! Do you know if the stereo kingpin is a larger diameter than my standard size bones hardcores can accept?
    Your blog is very fun and informative, thanks for posting!

  8. Hey man, good to see you on here, check out the forum too.
    Yeah, in some older posts I have talked about that goofy kingpin. It is just a little bigger than a standard kingpin. Bushings with inserts like the Bones do not fit. Easiest thing to do is try some other bushings, without inserts. I know Khiro barrels on bottom and small cones on top will fit.
    There is also a post on here where I replaced the odd kingpin with a standard kingpin, but you have to JB Weld it in, so its a little bit of a project. That is another option if you want to try it. Then depending on the length of the kingpin you put in you can run almost any bushings.
    I ended up putting Tracker Midtracks on my Stereo, it requires a tiny bit of drilling, I like this solution best but it is a little more expensive.


    or a penny or a stereo vinyl?
    just started mostly going to cruise and occasionally attempt an ollie but I am a complete beginner really although I can ride a board though

    also what can I do to increase speed on them and increase the carving ability? thanks in advance

    sorry for posting on the old forum as well

  10. Im mot familiar with that brand. It might be okay, or it might be a little rough. The Penny comes with nice wheels and bearings. The Stereo's wheels and bearings leave a little to be desired. If you dont mind doing upgrades, try the Indy or get a stereo. If you want to ride it stock for quite a while I would get the Penny.
    Increasing the speed would be better bearings and wheels. The Penny doesnt really need that, but the Stereo definitely benefits from both.
    Increasing the carving would be first bushings, and maybe later trucks.
    No problem on the post. Thanks for finding and using the new one too.

  11. hey i'm new to skateboarding and i got a penny board and replaced the bearings with bones red. I was just wondering how you "carve" on it. Is it just going right to left to right to left?

    1. Welcome, check out the forum as well.
      Yes, some people might not call it carving unless you are really leaning into it, but it essentially just means you are going back and forth.

  12. hey,i do not have stereo or penny but Does not matter the amount. But which is better? Faster? And more smoothly?
    Thanks in advance Jordan.

  13. Hey it's me again. Maybe I did not explain myself first, but I meant what more quickly and smoothly penny Or stereo?
    Thanks in advance Jordan

    1. In my experience I think the Penny has better wheels and bearings. I think that gives it the smoother and definitely the faster ride. Someone posted recently in the forum that Stereo is releasing an improved version of the Stereo Vinyl Cruiser with different wheels so that may change the above.

  14. hi i like ur blog really much, i'm a new to cruisers and i learnt alot in here. i hav only got about $100 and i would like to get a cruiser, wonder if u can give me some suggestions? it doesnt matter if it is a stock or upgraded, i just want it to be under $100. thanks a lot:)

  15. Thank you.
    There are a lot of ways you can go for $100. I would probably do a Penny or Bantam but a lot of the guys on the forum like the Stereo better. Which boards do you like the look of best?

  16. i like the bantam more, how much would it cost and is the stock good or will i have to upgrade things? btw wt do u think about the punked city cruisers? thanks alot 4 ur advices:)

    1. The bantam is pretty good stock. You can get it for under $100 if you look around online. If you find a good deal you can add some bushing upgrades and a sheet of grip tape if you want.

    2. oh thx a lot, and what is a reasonably cheap price for the bantam? how do i know if it is a fake or not??

    3. I dont know if you have a local shop, you will pay a little more but get it right away. If not, I see CCS has them for $80. Thats a good price. I havent seen knockoffs of the Bantam like I see of the Penny every where so you should be okay from anywhere reputable online.

    4. yeah but the problem is that i live in hong kong so the shipping fee is a big problem... i think i will just go to a skateshop and buy it, thank u dude

  17. My son purchased penny board a month ago and love it! He is asking for another board for Christmas,
    he found an Atom 21" Mini Retroh Plastic Cruiser online for $35.00 less than the penny. What is your opinion of the Atom. I would rather pay the extra for a penny unless the atom is a quality board.


  18. Hey, I was going to buy a penny or a stereo , but then I came across a very cheap knock off of it for about a fifth of the price of penny/stereo. I was very aware that the bearings and wheels would need to be replaced, but worked out that even after upgrading all those things it would still only sum up to half the price of just the stock items of penny or stereo(let alone the extra for upgrades and shipping), so i have decided on this.
    I will be buying bones reds bearings as I heard these work good and dont break the bank. I am still in the dark about wheels though.

    The board im getting is pretty much exactly the same size as the penny or stereo. Here is the description on the website of the place im buying from :
    Polypropylene Deck; Aluminium Trucks; Polyurethane Wheels with 60mm diameter and 45mm width; Abec 7 bearings;Weight = 1.9kg`s; Size = 565mm x 155mm
    Now i cannot ship wheels, and the only skateshop I have down here stocks these wheels:
    Abec 11
    Sector 9
    Metro Motion
    Dark Star
    Plan B
    Toy Machine
    (please note i do know some of these are normal skateboard wheels but i dont know which ones , and i am only looking for longboard ones)
    So those are my options to choose from.
    I need ones that are fast, smooth, and can go over bumps and gravely roads easily and not loose to much speed. Most of my riding is done on flat roads, so it needs to go pretty fast so i dont need to keep pushing all the time.
    I weigh about 110 lbs if that makes a difference.
    Please include the size and durometer you suggest as well. If the comment thing is broken , and you cant reply again for some reason, please email me at soon. i need to know before christmas. Thanks so much

  19. Sorry, for the above comment I left out one thing, I am ONLY cruising and carving on this board . No slides or tricksm but they need to be fast, smooth, and give a great ride and cruise. Thanks
