Sunday, January 15, 2012

Stereo Vinyl Cruiser trucks kingpin upgrade.

Get my things.
stock truck, new bushings, some washers, standard kingpin and nut-2"3/8"24tpi,  skate tool, JB Weld, and 17mm wrench.

The stock kingpins are big and weird.  Take apart truck

Comparison shot of the 2 kingpins.  Insert new Kingpin.

Mix up your JB Weld with something you wont need anymore.  Then dump in and beside the head of the kingpin.  You don't have to fill up the hole, just get enough on the sides so that the kingpin wont spin when you tighten it.  Try not to get very much on your hands and none on your phone.  And none on the counter.  Good luck. 

Then I put he washers, bushings and hanger on to get it lined up then a clamp to hold it straight  and leaned it against the wall until it cures.  
And then... go to sleep.
The next day, All hardened.  Tighten up the kingpin bolts with your eyes closed thinking there is no way that stuff is going to hold.  Then it holds and your trucks are done.  I have done this on shortboard trucks before and it holds up pretty well.  Little pieces might chip off but you will still be able to tighten and loosen the trucks.

For more discussion please check out 


  1. Very nice. I see this in my future very soon. I was at home depot yesterday gettin' some natural orange oil degreaser to clean my bearings with (I'll have to show you that whole process sometime), and I seriously thought about gettin' a new bolt and some JB Weld right then and there, but I figured I'd watch you do it first since I'm new to this stuff. Is it actually necessary to JB Weld the kingpin in, or is it just kind of an added measure to keep it from spinning?
    Very nice work. I like it a lot. You da man!

  2. It is only about the spinning. If you did not use something like epoxy in there you would have to take the trucks off the deck every time you adjust them.
    I use a pickle jar with some bolts through the lid and carburetor cleaner to clean my bearings. I use spacers to separate the bearings on the bolts then spray the f out of them then close the jar and shake them for a while. It smells terrible though, Next time I might go for your orange oil instead. Although with Bones Reds being 11-12 dollars and free shipping with amazon prime I do not think I will be cleaning bearings too much anymore.

  3. Well, I actually tightened all the bushings down and everything on the stock kingpin with a little bit of difficulty and movement, but I got it done. Would this change with a new kingpin?

    What I use is a pretty small clear nutrition drink bottle for the container. I like how small and thin it is, forcing the solvent to come in more contact with the bearings. I just used the cut up pieces of an ink pen outer shell as the spacers, a 5-6 inch bolt, washer and nut, wingnut to hold it all on the bolt, and a rubber gasket to seal the outside. Have yet to test it, but I think it will work pretty well seeing as it's about the same size as Bones' kit. I'll have to show you a pic sometime.

  4. The stock kingpin has a bigger head and does not spin in the baseplate. Because a standard kingpin has a slightly smaller head it will just spin in there forever unless you have something wedged in there with it. Like the JB Weld.
    That sounds like it would work just fine. Good idea on the sections of pen also.

  5. listen sparklesaid your a fucboi since the stock kingpin actually spins in the baseplate causing additional headaches since the thing is also to beefy to allow easily any sort of consistent or helpful bushing adjustments. please don't trip son I lazerflip stereo vinyl cruisers regular and switch lollzzzz
