Monday, February 13, 2012


I am going to be busy for a while

I started out with the Orange Riptide Chubbies in the Ace00s I just got,  Did not feel good.
Im going to try this for another day then go to something different.


  1. How're the Aces comin along? I thought about those as a truck option...

  2. I left the Venom short conventional cones on top and switched out the Riptides for some Venom Elims. Im going to make a post of some pics here shortly.

  3. Just found this blog. Very cool. I'm not into plastic boards yet, but do love tweaking my bushing setups. I'm somewhat surprised the Riptide chubbies fit aces at all. The height + washer doesn't alter the geometry even a little?

    I'm thinking of getting some chubbies or fatcones for my "street" setup on ace 33s...

  4. Yeah, a it messes with the geometry a little. in my oppinion not enough to make a difference with weight on it. I only left them like this a short time though. It was really restrictive, so might feel good on a street setup. I have yet to try the fatcones. If you try them let me know what you think.
